Geometrically it is possible to define a fold Antiform
if it has the concave down and Sinform
if the concavity is directed upward. If the stratigraphic sequence of an anti-form or a Sinform has a normal polarity (the oldest soils are stratigraphically below the most recent ones), then the fold is called respectively anticline and syncline. In other words we can say that in an anticline in the side Cancano Antiform are older than land those in the convex side. In a syncline fold Sinform, land on the concave side are newer than those in the convex side. There Sinform anticlinal folds that correspond to the folds Rovasco mostly type horizontally
To display a cross-section depends on the data of paper. We must see how the stratigraphic limits of the different lithological units, and the indication of the stratigraphy which give very important information. Depending on the polarity of the stratigraphic sucessione You can make assumptions dul type of fold and anticline, syncline, if it is lying, symmetrical or asymmetrical. The classification depends on the space of a fold by the position of the axial plane and hinge line.
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