Sunday, November 21, 2010

Brazil'semployement Structure

Dialogue between fruit and gianfry Pierferdi

We intercepted phone call between a hypothetical Gianfranco Fini and Pier Ferdinando Casini.
We publish content ... for some people because consistency has never too much!

C. "Hello gianfry, I decided to vote for the law on conflict of interest"
F. "Ah, that's OK I vote"
C. "No look, you're crazy I never will!"
F. "You give me the citizenship law in 5 years and I'll give you the conflict of interest"
C. "I'm Ok"
F. "I'm what?"
C. "I'm the exchange"
F. "But so are you dreaming?"
C. "What am I dreaming?"
F. "Hands off the conflict of interest!"
C. "Citizenship in five years, never."

At this point, the two greet each other:

F. "Hello Pierferdi"
C. "Hello gianfry"
F. "What you want from me? Who speaks? "
C." says to me? But go to hell! "
F." I love you, Pierferdi "
C." Me too, until tomorrow "
F." Yes, we feel "
C." No, sorry, I'm busy tomorrow. " ..


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