Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Custom Warrior Lacrosse Pinnie

shear zones (shear zones)

  • The plant biodiversity of the past to show children: the challenge of the book "The Islands
  • time. Adventures in Green prehistoric
  • "
    Who does not know the brontosaurus and the tyrannosaurus? Almost everyone, from children to adults. How many know rinia or magnets? Almost none. The children's book "The Islands of time "(Science Publishing), due out in November 2010, was not born only to spread the knowledge of fossil plants and to educate the evolutionary history of plants, the book was born from the desire to share with others, especially with young people, love for this green world away and feelings of curiosity, wonder, interest in what the plants were able to invent to grow, adapt to different environments and often hostile, to win a place in the sun for themselves and their own race. The book starts with an adventure story to boot to its core, a "travel diary" with over thirty botanical plates, with scientifically rigorous but engaging illustrations, accompanied by cards nelle quali si è cercato di introdurre i temi evolutivi, di suscitare interesse attraverso le peculiarità più curiose dei fossili, di collegarli ai lontani parenti attuali, di far conoscere, sorridendo, qualche risvolto del lavoro del paleobotanico, di utilizzare le piante fossili per suscitare il desiderio di apprezzare anche le piante di oggi. Il libro, completato da proposte di attività pratiche e da una suggestiva cronologia, non ha scopo di lucro per gli autori ed è stato realizzato grazie all'aiuto delle Biblioteche Civiche e della Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Modena. Piacerà? È la nostra scommessa. E, come riporta la frase nella retro copertina, "per quanto sia un libro per bambini, potrà informare e divertire persone of all ages.
    The book is available at libraries, in the case that your bookstore goes without them can be ordered through the library itself.

    Authors Book: Marta Mazzanti, Giovanna Bosi and Richard Bird, with the collaboration of Paul Crews, members of the Mathematical Society of Naturalists and Modena


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