There are few people in the world that can boast a reputation as extensive.
Just as there are few people in the world who can boast of aver avuto una tale influenza sulla stragrande maggioranza dei generi musicali.
Lui è una di quelle persone.
Nato poverissimo in una baracca nel sud degli Stati Uniti e, alla fine dei suoi giorni, sepolto in una bara placcata oro, James Joseph Brown (1933-2006) è la perfetta incarnazione di un mito, con le sue stravaganze, i suoi eccessi, i suoi errori ma soprattutto il suo lascito.
Pur essendo cresciuto dalla zia, tra alcool e puttane, James ha da subito capito che doveva prendere a pugni la vita, prima che la vita facesse lo stesso nei suoi confronti landed without delay.
At that time, however, the regular guys like him ended up hanging from the trees if overdriven.
He did not.
working in the cotton fields and shoeshine, James Brown certainly has not spared the petty theft, which took him 16 years to know, reformatory Toccoa, his future bandmate Bobby Byrd.
Once out of the reformatory lively James, who already possessed the charm that would make him famous around the world, was welcomed home Bobby, who had his own musical group, and did not take long to topple from his role to become a bandleader himself.
After a long apprenticeship, get a contract with the label subsidiary of King, or the Federal Records, which brings him together with his band the Famous Flames ", to record their first hit" Please , Please, Please ".
was 1956.
The album was a huge success and immediately jumped into the Billboard charts. Of them later, for all 60 years and most degli anni 70, James Brown piazzò singoli in classifica.
Nel 1963 la svolta epocale.
Registrò il suo concerto al teatro Apollo di Harlem, il 24 ottobre 1962 e pubblicò quello che è tutt’ora considerato l’album live più venduto della storia; James Brown Live At The Apollo, giudicato dalla rivista americana Rolling Stone come uno dei 500 album più importanti della storia (piazzandolo significativamente al 24° posto…).
Ma il merito più grosso attribuitogli è senz’altro quello di aver rivoluzionato la concezione stessa di groove, gettando le fondamenta non solo per quello che si sarebbe chiamato “funk”, ma per la concezione stessa di tutta la musica moderna a venire.
James Brown percepiva ogni strumento come se fosse la componente percussiva di un ensamble ritmico, sincronizzando chitarre, bassi e ottoni alla batteria, quindi ottenendo musica pulsante, fortemente sincopata, che si concentrava sul groove anziché sulla melodia, stravolgendo completamente gli standard dell’R’n’b tipico e sorpassando di gran lunga i suoi colleghi troppo fissi sul “contorno”.
In più il his side "consciouss" suggested that he use his music to communicate a message that went far beyond simple "ballad" sickly sweet.
education for his people, the awareness of his audience (mostly color) to get an education, to study, because an educated man does not put your feet on the head by a company that wanted them ignorant and obedient.
But you know, life is made of ups and downs, and as the artistic side of James Brown was never put into question (except by some of his own music ...), the private side was always in constant motion.
The loss in 1973, his son Teddy (one of his sons with an innate musical talent) following a tragic accident, it displaces, it will land.
publish in the same year the album "The Payback", after being repulsed headlong into music to escape reality.
His marital vicissitudes were not his style to be less rugged and raw ", ending several times over the years, sui giornali di tutto il mondo. L’uso di droghe di certo non aiutavano il suo carattere impulsivo di natura a mantenere la calma, anche in situazioni decisamente meno importanti della perdita di un figlio, come quella volta che imbracciò il fucile e minacciò i suoi collaboratori perché sosteneva che qualcuno avesse usato la sua toilette privata nel suo ufficio.
Celebre anche l’inseguimento filmato dagli elicotteri della polizia sul finire degli anni ’80, a cui seguì l’arresto.
Insomma, la vita di James Brown era un coacervo di stati d’animo dissimili fra loro, alternando momenti di great clarity and character, and moments of madness.
Genius and intemperance, you know, but at the expense at some point it was his music, now in slow decline due to the advent of musical genres increasingly synthetic and far from his style .
few movie cameos here and there, thanks to my friend Dan Aykroyd, first in the movie The Blues Brothers, and later in the film Doctor Detroit (with the same Aykroyd between the protagonists), and the sudden return "a bomb" on the scene, thanks to the single "Living in America" \u200b\u200bin the fourth chapter in the saga "Rocky" renewing its presence on the Billboard charts, up to fourth place, with a few more million copies sold.
Then darkness again.
other scandals, including charges of attempted murder against his wife's arrest for possession of cocaine, possession of weapons and many other crimes mercilessly immortalized by a mug shot shows him that upset.
He never ceased to crush the boxes around the world, a true professional to the end.
Read a tumor prostate, in 2006, endured all the necessary care in order to finally claim to have defeated even that bad, as if life had not tested enough.
On December 25, 2006, 1: 45 am, in a room Emory Crawford Long Hospital, due to a severe pneumonia, has lost the only challenge that could never win.
The whole musical world has cried for the Godfather of Soul.
On all sides of the globe, that day of Christmas, there were no bells and prayers remember the nativity.
homes echoed in his squeaky high testosterone.
Simply thanks.
Dj Silver
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