Tuesday, March 1, 2011

How Many Calories In Beef Chow Mein Takeaway

tectonic context of Tremiti

Tremiti The archipelago belongs to the Adria microplate (Lort, 1971), and is located on the northern edge of the Apulian platform (GAMBIMI, TOZZI , 1996), on a structural high with NE-SW direction and bounded by faults on the edge to WE and NE-SW direction (Fig. 1) ( Favale et al., 1993). The tectonic interpretation of Tremiti, according to the study and interpretation of seismic reflection sections (and FINETTI al. 1987) and analysis mesostrutturali (goat, Funicello, 1989, and DOGLIONE al. 1994), places them within a system of faults in EW direction, transcurrent right, associated with the tectonic system of the Gargano Promontory (Fig. 1).

Figure 1: Structural scheme of Tremiti.
1) Main sub-vertical faults with a prevailing movement
long dive, and 2) Main sub-vertical faults with
prevailing movement along direction 3) Face
Apennines (from: Andriani et al., 2005).
Figure 2: Location of Italy in sup. Miocene-Pleistocene.
(+) areas of uplift, occurring within the areas of Apulia;
(-) areas of subsidence, which are present in areas adjacent to Puglia
(from: Doglioni et al., 1996).
L'arcipelago strutturalmente è caratterizzato da una struttura a monoclinale leggermente inclinata di 10° in direzione SE (SELLI, 1971). Tale struttura è compresa entro una zona trastensiva destra e denominta fascia di deformazione trasversale destra delle Tremiti (FAVALI e al., 1990; 1993; CONSOLE e al., 1993; MONGELLI e al., 1994, DOGLIONI e al., 1996) che gioca un ruolo di trasferimento della deformazione tettonica tra i due blocchi, che essa divide, ubicati a nord e a sud (fig. 1). A partire dal Pleistocene medio e durante il processo di subduzione della placca Adria al di sotto di quella Europea, il blocco adriatico posto a sud (fig. 2) flette maggiormente ed is characterized by a regime of tectonic uplift (rising lithosphere) and the north block, flexes less and is characterized by subsidence (and CIARANFI al. 1983; Suhadolc, Panza, 1989; and DOGLIONE al. 1994; 1996). The progressive eastward migration of the arc of the Apennines, the different thickness and different degrees of subduction is two blocks, check out the different degree of bending of the lithosphere, with the presence of a bulge in the elastic block located to the south Adriatic ( Mongelli et al. , 1994), leading to the current tectonic style Tremiti, with the band of right-handed transcurrent Tremiti (DOGLIONE and al. 1996) that plays a role transfer deformation between the two tectonic blocks (Fig. 3 and 4).

Figure 3: block diagram showing the different
deformation of the two blocks, bounded by the end of
deformation Cross right (from: Doglioni et al., 1996).

Figure 4: Geological sections showing accretionary wedges
during the Pleistocene, highlighting the different style
tectonic subduction lithosphere of the Adriatic between the block instead
north and the south of place band deformation
transcurrent right Islands Tremiti (from: Doglioni et al., 1996).

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