The mystery of the explosions in Fadalto seems to be attributed to causes other than tectonic and therefore can not be attributed to the warning signs of probable earthquakes. Continue the investigations and studies by the competent bodies.
( read the whole article G. De Luca - is linked to the geological history and tectonics of an area that currently represents the Mediterranean.
flaps covering the base bounded by thrust faults and thrust faults. These structures are due to the collision of tectonic plates in collision that formed a zone of subduction of oceanic crust and the formation of an accretionary wedge. The Alps were formed by the collision of the Eurasian Continental tectonic calms the African north to south. The Apennines, however, were formed by the collision of the Adria plate (microplate which was initially linked that African) to the south and the European plate with the next sequence rotation of Corso-Sardinian massif.
1. OCEAN of Tethys: 255
But Before Triassic paleogeographic the conformation of the Mediterranean area was represented by a continent called Pangea where the coasts of the Eurasian and African plate gave the ocean of Tethys .
But Since you have the Triassic opening of the Atlantic Ocean due to the formation of a rift continental sucessivamente is flooded with ocean water, and determine the ' removal of the Eurasian and African plates, which collide and progressively rotate towards each other.
3. PHASE orogenic ALPINA : 80 But
Since you have the Lower Cretaceous slow and gradual convergence of the African and Eurasian plate. By now the Atlantic Ocean was completely open causing the progressive removal of the Eurasian and African plates from North American and South American plates, respectively. The Indiana subsides gradually is separated from Africa and begins its journey north (the collision with the Eurasian plate will determine the Himalayan orogens).
4. STEP Apennines orogenic : 50 But
From 50 But the convergence between the European and African plate continued, leading to the gradual closure of the Ligure-Piemontese basin. The Indian plate gets closer to the Asian plate and the ocean of Tethys is now replaced by the Indian Ocean.
lifting of the Himalayas. In South America due to the subduction of oceanic crust of the Nazca plate beneath the South American, this creates a type of volcanic island arc - Andino.
Only in the terminal phase dell'orogene Apennine you the opening of the Tyrrhenian Sea, with volcanic events in the regions of Tuscany and Lazio and Campania. Emerged in the Pliocene of the Apennine Mountains begin the phenomena of surface modeling by weathering (erosion, transport and sedimentation), while in the continuous marine sedimentation on the sea front of the Apennines (now Plain Valley and the Adriatic Sea).
paleogeographic The shape of the continents is the same as today. The Po Valley acquires the present structure, which is a plain formed by alluvial debris, from alpine areas to the north and the Apennine mountains to the south. At the global scale there are glacial phases with the formation of two great ice sheets: the first at the north pole until mid-latitudes (45 ° N approximately) and the second at the south pole with an extension to the southern mid-latitudes (45 ° S about ).
Alps form large ice with long tongues that reach close to the Po Valley (Lake Garda), which are now preserved the geomorphological and geological evidence of extensive morainic arcs. Even in the Apennines were less extensive than alpine glaciers, such as glacier Calderone
the slopes of Gran Sasso d'Abruzzo in Italy. Are still visible today along the moraines Campo Imperatore testifying to the past presence of large glaciers. The Adriatic Sea was a wide plain dried up completely due to sag in sea level, and that connects the coast of the Italian peninsula with those of Dalmatia.
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Currently, the geography is well known, but there are small changes from the geodynamic point of view of our planet, as evidenced by the numerous earthquakes every day are also instrumental recorded by several stations simografiche the planet. Although volcanic eruptions are evidence of how our planet is geologically active and geodynamic evolution.
In the Mediterranean area can be recognized at the regional scale the main structures formed in the geological history of our planet. The Alps and the Apennines are the mountain ranges that are part of the Alpine orogeny with an area stretching from Morocco to the Himalayas. This suture is at the global scale, the clash of tectonic plates over which led to the closure of the Tethys and the creation of a fasta mountain range.
geodynamics of the planet's future is not predictable, but from studies of global tectonics and geodynamics is possible to predict a very large scale. Here we propose a paleogeographic map of a possible configuration of the planet is 50 million years.
Bibliografia e Approfondimenti:
3B Meteo (2010);
La circolazione atmosferica durante la glaciazione .
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