Monday, May 31, 2010

Gay Cruising Guide To New Jersey


Già altre volte i pacifinti si sono trovati ad assaggiare il piombo israeliano. Ricordo nella fattispecie una volta nella quale i carri armati spararono contro i cosiddetti "pacifisti" andati non so dove (a Gaza mi pare) per "protestare" contro "il sionismo". Ovviamente costoro giravano in mezzo ai militanti di Hamas e ne condividevano pure l'intifada, tirando addosso ai soldati tutto ciò che avevano, pietre, molotov e qualcuno imbracciò un bell'Ak47 tanto per far capire che di pace si trattava.

Ricordo che in quell'occasione gli israeliani, stufi di continue provocazioni, spararono con i carri armati. Qualcuno ci lasciò la pelle ed others went home at a speed never seen it, obviously barking against the regime.

Well, history repeats itself, as happened at the G8. The pacifinti not content with having destroyed half Genoa tried to storm a police van, obviously in that case to bring "peace." Giuliani, however, that we put his ghirba. The same thing happened when the black block and then changes the company tried to break through the cordon fence that enclosed the red zone to give the assault to the districts in which the resident heads of state, certainly not to their support. Even then it gave them a sprinkling of poor pacifinti baton and went immediately to whimper by the magistrate. Had they behaved civilly respecting the rules of anything would happen: Giuliani would still be alive. The pacifinti would show their ideas. Genoa was not reduced as if it were passed Nero himself.

But no. Even in this matter pacifinti the cause and then complain about the consequences. Israel sure it went down hard, maybe they could shoot at the helm rather than go on the ship, or secure it with wires to twist into a propeller and tow it elsewhere. Indeed, the response was a bit too strong, but the risk of slipping into a war zone is just that, and trying to make a naval blockade is tantamount to an act of war. Khrushchev knew something , quando nel '62 per poco non ci condusse ad una guerra nucleare cercando di forzare il blocco a Cuba.

Ebbene, la storia insegna. O meglio, dovrebbe insegnare, ma le zucche vuote non imparano mai.

Vi sono delle considerazioni però che depongono contro le tesi dei pacifinti.

Primo : se la nava incriminata fosse davvero stata solo carica di aiuti, perché non sarebbe potuta passare con l'avvallo della Mezzaluna Rossa o sotto il controllo internazionale?

Secondo : non lo sapevano i nostri "eroi" che forzare un blocco equivale ad un atto di guerra? Non sapevano che acque off-limits sono pericolose? Non fossero stati avvertiti, pazienza, ma mi risulta che di avvertimenti ne siano stati inviati un sacco. Invece loro li hanno ignorati. Hanno perfino cercato di bloccare l'imbarcazione con gli elicotteri ma l'equipaggio della nave se n'é disinteressato altamente, continuando il suo tragitto contro ogni buon senso. E se la nave fosse stata carica di tritolo?

Terzo : si sono viste le immagini dell'assalto delle forze speciali israeliane. Appena toccata la nave si vedono decine di persone avventarsi contro di esse con spranghe, bastoni, oggetti offensivi e pericolosi, picchiandoi soldati selvaggiamente. Forse che un controllo ad una normalissima nave carica di farina o medicine sarebbe stato motivo di una simile reazione? In questo caso i militari hanno fatto benissimo a rispondere. Lo facessero un pò anche da noi quando negli stadi si vedono scene da guerriglia!

Pertanto la storia degli aiuti umanitari francamente non quadra ed anche supponendo che la nave contenesse per davvero medicine ed alimentari, resta il fatto che il blocco è stato forzato con pervicace prepotenza.

La prossima volta i pacifinti usino le vie ufficiali per entrare e distribuire i viveri, se proprio vogliono farlo. Oppure si facciano perquisire. O meglio, soluzione più saggia, se ne restino a casa.

Monday, May 10, 2010

How Long Does Urethritis Last With Uti

Guzzanti et Guzzanti

Oggi capito casualmente sul blog di Paolo Guzzanti, dico casualmente perché putroppo credevo di aver cancellato il suo link ma uno sbadato e malandrino uso del mouse mi ha condotto ugualmente your site.

Well, you read a great headline:

"Congratulations Sabina, with the insane spots Sandro Bondi Draquila will have even more success."
understood, and the demented " spot " Bondi who is rightly angry and ashamed to promote yet another pointless arrow launched against the enemy number one is Berlusconi. E 'stronger than them, but even better to write this garbage. The thing I nausea, however, is that Guzzanti Sr. was elected with just the votes of Berlusconi to resign and instead sticks to his seat. Ah, consistency italic! The law also

"For reasons di pudore familiare avevo deciso di non parlarne, ma non posso tacere ".
Grande performance. Come al solito Guzzanti decideva di non parlarne, ma poi ne parla eccome, esattamente come quando scoppiò la vicenda Guzzanti Jr. VS Carfagna in cui Guzzanti Sr. diede un'altra grande prova di coerenza. Non tiratemi in mezzo, non tiratemi in mezzo, ma sì, già che ci sono ne parlo! E giù con articoli su articoli.

Fantastico, questo personaggio, ma l'Italia è anche questa...

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mount And Blade Dual Core Support

Britain at risk

Ieri, domenica 9 Maggio si è scritta un'altra pagina ridicola della storia dell'Europa "unita".

Dopo che l'Europa ha accettato la Grecia ed i suoi bilanci truccati finger without moving and without Mortadella after many years as president was not aware of (but we are sure that no one has noticed?) here are all rushing to the bedside of the euro in the course speculative attack by investors worldwide.

The ridiculous thing is that Europe will do its utmost to present as greedy speculators and greedy old man ready to stab behind economies, Obtuse kindly, like to live on debt. The Eurogroup
fact tends to unload the blame on who is obviously his game to win instead of doing a good mea culpa and admit his own stupidity he was right to anti-Europeans, who are not liable for mere dislike of other people but because they have every reason Europe in contempt of this kind, where the faults are paid by the eurofessi eurosudditi.

However, the omelet is done and it is no use crying over spilled milk: it is hoped that the Eurogroup has just learned something from this lesson (although I do not think) and rapidly changing course.
short, Greece and the weak countries must be helped regardless, not out of altruism but to protect against speculative attacks on a currency that was born without a proper political and economic base.

The decisions of the Eurogroup, however, has deviated Britain who does not agree to provide any help against the eurozone countries in need. In particular, Britain opposed the fact that since it joined the euro this issue should be resolved only with measures against countries that adopt the single currency. If

purely moralistic side of the British position is shared, it is not, however, from practical point of view. The fact that we put in place a very substantial EU aid is for countries participating in the sort of insurance on their own stability and solvency of their markets. In short, speculators put under attack before any European country where the will henceforth do with all the others, because what has been decided today is a kind of financial NATO.

Britain, Instead, he is digging a hole with his hands: first, took blows terrifying because of the crisis just past that has weakened dramatically, the proof is that the pound has gone from a very high value of some years ago at an altitude close to the euro, with a trend to beat the envy Stukas.

But what should shake the wrists to the islanders is that doing so myopic Britain throws a dead weight and without any network in the arms of the same speculators who will now have greater difficulties in defalliances focus on the eurozone. In addition
Britain lends itself in this way to get out not only from the coverage of debt but also by a Any help from the euro group that would respond to speculative attacks against the British in exactly the same way as Britain is responding to Greece: you will not have helped us when we needed it and have not taken our money, then you want hours from us?

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

March For Babies Team Name


Scajola do not know if he is guilty of something or if it is yet another intended victim of the usual media pillory.

The story, by the way is unclear and Scajola was not even under investigation. But there is a rather strange thing that should be explained, but first things first.

will first say that there is to buy an apartment at a price just is not a crime. Maybe it was all that flat to be restored and its value was low for that reason, he or Scajola really a bargain, if more shocked that I congratulate the former Minister.
Nor is it a crime to buy a property or with the help of people sentenced by the judiciary. If not we should ask for a certificate of pending proceedings to the grocery store that sells a pound of bologna. Also is not a crime if someone offers to pay us a part or the whole house (ah, I had a benefactor like that)!

As the same way you do not configure a crime if the person who sold the apartment has won tenders for public works: it is logical for companies or people have very large hands-on throughout the building. But the important thing is that you establish a relationship of connection quid pro quo for which personal favors in exchange for being awarded a contract, which does not seem to be blown out.

Well, so far I think the normal case. The

rather unclear what is another: is it possible that a person does not know if his house was bought entirely by him or by others? Well, to me it seems incredible how it seems to me absurd that Scajola has instructed his lawyers to investigate this hypothesis. Of course if one does not even know who paid for the house in which we live is close to joke.

Scajola also says that in the event that lawyers confirm this, he would cancel the contract to buy and which would in this case? Sold it to former owners? The give away? To me this statement seems evident absurdity.

We will see developments but need to register once again that a political figure even after the facts of alleged corruption is forced to resign.

the face of the presumption of innocence!