Tuesday, September 28, 2010
How To Decoke Injector
Monday, September 27, 2010
Math Is Cool Cube Field
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Saturday, September 25, 2010
Knee Compression Fracture
often listening to some old album of great musical geniuses as Marvin Gaye, James Brown, Donny Hathaway , one wonders what effect it did, and did they feel those who had the honor to listen to some of the masterpieces when they were new, when those albums, those individual were in the standings. I wonder if anyone has ever thought 20-30 years ago that years later these same securities would become a source of inspiration for many artists who were to become symbols of the Soul.
One of the artists who have given me the most was this curiosity and Isaac Hayes. Listening to some of his pieces as Never Can Say Goodbye or Walk On By you realize that they are facing one of the cornerstones of international music. 2 masterpieces of soul music (the first of Jackson 5 and the second Dionne Warwick and Burt Bacharach ) reinterpreted in a unique and unmistakable Isaac Hayes which gives this classic a new identity, a new flavor that makes her seem radically different from the original version.
A versatile artist, from 2002 in Rock'n'Roll Hall Of Fame , born as a writer, then begins to sing in person. If you've never heard of Mr.Hayes, you know, just to get an idea of \u200b\u200bwho he is, who is the author of songs like Soul Man (who has not heard or ballad ?!?!), least once interpreted for the first time Sam & Dave that entered the Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame and is among the best songs of the century (RIAA).
But his music career began when he sang for five years already in the gospel choir in his parish in his hometown. Genius as a child, he learned to read music and play by himself on piano, Hammond organ, flute and saxophone.
The first 60 years are the beginning of Hayes' career, when he wrote the songs for Sam & Dave and joins to Stax Records, Motown giant's chief rival. After an unsuccessful debut album, with little work behind in 1969 out "Hot Buttered Soul" an album that sees the top of the playlist of only four tracks just Walk On By I mentioned before, in a review of no less than 12 minutes of pure musical show with psychedelic guitars, at times reminiscent of that of Jimi Hendrix, and the singers at the bottom of clear black mold. It is hard to compare to the original version of Dionne Warwick (for more beautiful), just for the originality of the remake. To follow the tongue-twisting title song from Hyperbolicsyllabsesquedalymistic , on a funk, but interpreted by the semi-baritone voice of Isaac Hayes, with the usual chorus of Stax . The other two tracks are One Woman and hypnotic and genial By The Time I Get To Phoenix of Jimmy Webb and brought to success by Glen Campbell in 1967 that lead us in a dark urban setting, a tale of everyday life in 18 minutes after the first half of speech with mournful accompaniment battery, party to a spectacular crescendo of woodwinds and strings together that if you listen to the words and the warm, low voice of Isaac rise to a 'particular emotion that few songs can inspire.
Described by many as a masterpiece, Hot Buttered Soul is one of the best work of Mr. Hayes, but little in comparison to the success that will have 2 years after the publication of soundtrack, entirely composed and played by himself, a historical film as Shaft (directed by Gordon Parks ). You may wonder: Why history? Certainly many will never have seen or heard of John Shaft! Well, it's a historical film because it is a symbol of Blaxploitation , a film movement that includes actors, directors and African American soul and funk soundtrack, all to give more importance to the black culture, born movies exclusively for the public African-American, but directed at all to dispel stereotypes about African Americans going around at the time, considered only drug dealers or gangsters. The figure of John Shaft (played by Richard Roundtree ) is authoritative, confident, rational and above is on the side of the law. In fact, John Shaft is a detective who goes around New York (Harlem in particular) to find her missing daughter of a black gangster. The film was a box office success, and later received an Oscar for best song for Theme from Shaft of Isaac Hayes and a nomination for Best Colona sound ... Even the soundtrack. A combination of funk and soul to make it a pleasant feast, arrangements and production handled entirely by the great Isaac in an absolutely perfect. It has been defined by many movie fans, the best soundtrack ever made, certainly one of the best of funk, and with Superfly of Curtis Mayfield , symbol of music Blaxploitation . Probably not a soundtrack like the film would not have been so successful! The song of the album is without doubt the most important Theme from Shaft, that begins with an introduction with an unmistakable insistent drums and a riff wah wah creepy later accompanied by keyboards (played by the same Isaac), various wind instruments and percussion. Over 2 minutes of pure funk before the short text describing the figure of John Shaft, with a chorus of female voices repeating the name of Shaft in response to questions from Isaac.
Theme from Shaft won an Academy Award best song in 1972 and became a symbol of the pieces of the period and certainly still one of the spare funk most popular ever.
Also in 1971, released another great album by Isaac Hayes, "Black Moses", another great job under the Stax . Un album per lo più di cover di vecchi classici ai quali Black Moses appunto, come verrà soprannominato dopo l’uscita di questo album, dona nuova linfa vitale o, se vogliamo, una vera e propria rivisitazione. Come vi dicevo in precedenza, le cover di Isaac sembrano pezzi inediti, tanto è originale la sua reinterpretazione. Ci sono pezzi come la celebre Never Can Say Goodbye dei Jackson 5, (They Long to Be) Close to You , di Burt Bacharach e portata success by Carpenters, Man's Temptation of Curtis Mayfield , I'll Never Fall In Love Again always of Bacharach but brought to success by Dionne Warwick and other tracks.
Black Moses Hayes has been defined by that one of its most cherished and personal album, although it trattasse di un album di cover. L’immagine sulla copertina dell’album, di lui stesso vestito da Mosè è diventato un vero è proprio simbolo nella cultura nera del tempo. Grandi occhiali neri da vero Soul Man e tunica biblica come un vero predicatore.
"Black men could finally stand up and be men because here's Black Moses; he's the epitome of black masculinity. Chains that once represented bondage and slavery now can be a sign of power and strength and sexuality and virility"
Rob Bowman - Soulsville USA: The Story of Stax Records.
In subsequent years, Isaac Hayes continues to record albums, released in 1973 "Joy" , a good album but a bit ' shadow in comparison to the great success of the two previous albums, followed closely by " Live at the Sahara Tahoe" a double live album released as a tribute to the fans.
In 1974 Stax Records bankrupt and Hayes, remained "on foot" founded his own label, Hot Buttered Soul that it would publish the work under the ABC Records. The Black Moses of the new jobs are not up to the previous ones. The disappointment is that Isaac decided to leave the music world to devote to something else.
In subsequent years, Isaac has not, however, never left the stage. In addition to several duets and collaborations, has appeared in many films and TV series such as The Rockford Files dove ebbe un vero e proprio ruolo da attore. Diverse comparsate in serie come Miami Vice, A-Team , e nel 1995 anche Willy The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air , dove interpretò un prete di Las Vegas che imita Isaac Hayes che sposa Willy e la sua fidanzata sulle note di una divertente parodia di Theme from Shaft . Alla fine della gag, Isaac si becca anche un insulto da Willy che gli dice che la sua imitazione di Isaac Hayes fa schifo! E Isaac mortificato chiede alle chorus: 'Why? I was so good. "
The success of Mr. Hayes on TV does not end here because in 1997 he became a voice actor's controversial animated series South Park , giving his voice the character "Chef", the cook of the school canteen. It was a success, and the song Chocolate Salty Balls , who sings in the Chef an episode became a hit in Britain. Hayes also took part in the musical episode of South Park as South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut .
born in 1999 Isaac Hayes Foundation and in February 2006 appears in Youth for Human Rights International , a music video beneficial to a group of Church of Scientology, of which Isaac is a member. Hayes participated in numerous humanitarian efforts in Ghana and in various parts of Africa.
In March 2006 news report that Isaac Hayes had a stroke even if the rumors are repeatedly denied. In October 2006, the same Isaac, who escaped the danger confirmed the initial diagnosis.
two years later, August 10, 2008, while it is training on his treadmill, Mr.Hayes has a new heart attack, when his wife is on the ground is too late are useless relief. Isaac Hayes dies 10 days after completing 66 years.
The genius of Isaac Hayes is in his ability to interpret only. Low voice, warm and passionate ... unmistakable ... creepy. Unique capabilities also from the music, just think of the arrangements and production of Shaft. Innovative and very unusual time, sacred milestones today. Untouchables memorabilia collectors to hand down to posterity.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Congratulations Last Month Before Baby Is Born
For stratigraphic relationships are defined geometric and temporal relationships that characterize the vertical and lateral limits of two lithological units in contact with each other.
erosion if the surface is erosive type of way;
Onlap : termination of horizontal layers directly on an inclined surface.
Downlap : Termination of layers originally inclined to rest on a horizontal or slightly inclined surface limit.
Toplap : Termination of layering, accompanied by a modest erosion of layers originally inclined surface with respect to a horizontal limit of non-deposition.
Parting erosive : termination of the strata unit smaller than a surface character limit erosion, sub-horizontal and often irregular.
continuous and discontinuous, in relation to sedimentation processes you can define the temporal relationships between two stratigraphic units in continuity or discontinuity of sedimentation.
express gradual lithological contacts, as is intuitive, a continuity of sedimentation, the clear, however, may reflect both continuity situations, albeit through an abrupt change in type of sedimentation, and disruption more o meno lunghe nella deposizione. Un contatto di tipo erosivo implica una discontinuità temporale, dal momento che una parte dell’unità è stata rimossa per erosione.
Una discontinuità temporale acquista il significato di discontinuità stratigrafica quando rappresenta un intervallo di tempo significativo alla scala geologica. Il tempo geologico non rappresentato da sedimento lungo una superficie di discontinuità è definito come lacuna stratigrafica.
(discordanza, discontinuità) è una superficie di separazione between two lithological units, which represents a significant break in sedimentation. You define a stratigraphic discontinuity in general. Disconformity: (disconformità) prodottesi stratigraphic discontinuities across the subaerial erosion of rocks emerged due to the lowering of sea level and is not accompanied by tectonic deformation.
Angular Unconformity (angular divergence) when the interruption of sedimentation is accompanied by subaerial erosion and tectonic deformation. Paraconformity:
(paraconcordanza) sedimentary successions geometrically consistent but discontinuous. Nonconormity
(Discrepancy baseline) in which the sedimentary sequence covering the crystalline basement.
ibliografia: BOSELLINI A., Mutti E., Ricci Lucchi F. (1997), and sedimentary rocks. Earth Sciences. UTET Ed.
B. SIMPSON (1996); Read geological maps. DARIO FLACOVIO Ed.
( read the article in PDF )
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Over Head Casket Lamp
To obtain surface and subsurface geological information of a given area, it is important to the proper interpretation of geological maps, which represent a document di partenza indispensabile al geologo e ad altre figure professionali (ingegnere, architetto, geometra, paesaggista, ecc.). La lettura ed interpretazione dei dati riportati in carta deve essere sempre accompagnata dalle sezioni geologiche che aiutano a comprendere l'andamento della geologia nel sottosuolo.
Partendo dalla carta geologica e dalle informazioni contenute in essa, è possibile ricavare in tempi brevi e in base all'esperienza, una sezione geologica ben dettagliata. Di seguito si riportano alcuni link sull'argomento: http://users.unimi.it/paleomag/pdf/profili.pdf http://geoingegneria.dits.uniroma1.it/We...egeologiche.pdf
Monday, September 20, 2010
How To Beat Level 18 On Bloons Player Pack 3
The strain ellipsoid describes how the shape of an imaginary circular object reference has been changed by the distortion. We define the principal axes as the direction of maximum extension (x), the direction of minimum extension (z) and of average size (y) axes are orthogonal to each other.
tectonic structures: reverse fault
tectonic structures:
slip faults
tectonic structures: Folds
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Multiplication Table By 100 X 100
Article inherent morfostruttura pyramidal Vesallo which closes the first cycle of studies on morfostruttura pyramid.
Through the detection and processing Height della Carta del microrilievo naturale, la Carta dell’esposizione del versante, la Carta dell’inclinazione del versante e il DEM (Digital Elevation Model) è stato possibile definire l’assetto altimetrico della morfostrutura e riconoscere alcune forme dovute al modellamento naturale dei versanti. Il rilevamento geologico–strutturale in corrispondenza di alcuni affioramenti in prossimità della morfostruttura piramidale ha messo in evidenza come la morfologia sia controllata sia dalle faglie, sia dalle pieghe (assetto stratigrafico delle strutture plicative), come si rinviene da due affioramenti, il primo collocato sul lato a nord e il secondo sulla vetta della morfostruttura dove è conservata la stratificazione.
The study conducted shows that the tectonic structures have influenced the shaping of slopes by erosion and chemical weathering.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Food To Eat With Swollen Glands
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Wella Colour Chart Image
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Can U Get Guns On Poptropica
there is no more but I will not resign despite being elected with the votes of the PDL, which no longer exists. The PDL
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there is no more but I support the PDL there is not more government. The PDL
there is no more but the legislature must go ahead with a party that no longer exists. The PDL
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there is no more ma vado in giro a dar addosso al PDL che non c'é più.
La logica non alberga a Mirabello.
Chissà se la casa a Montecarlo c'é ancora o non c'é più nemmeno quella...