Monday, August 23, 2010

What To Put In My Sister Wedding Card

out like balconies

Erasmo da Rotterdam sarebbe stato felice di veder usato un titolo così azzeccato, anche se il contesto della sua opera è del tutto avulso dal contenuto di questo post: il suo "Elogio della follia" sarebbe una chiosa perfetta per descrivere una proposta che definire vergognosa ed indecente sarebbe minimizzante.

Credo che non sia nemmeno necessario ricordare cosa Italo Bocchino (capogruppo dei finiani) è stato capace di inventarsi, why jump the record that I leave a link come and considerations.

The proposed Mouthpiece is offensive to those who ran these representatives in good faith by Bagaglino, offensive to the voters gave their vote to a party with certain specific and would instead give it to the opposition offensive for the league ( the only really loyal ally of the PDL) and offensive for Berlusconi, who already is a snake in her bosom, let alone stringesse alliances with Casini and Williams, which represented the worst post-war history that the Democrats could ever count.

A proposal is also offensive to the opposition, which, although in a way that I think makes her ugly and blasphemous work, which is to throw shit on Berlusconi and his allies. They are so poor that an input to counter Berlusconi's alliance with PDL Rutelli and the League table would mean the erosion of their deputies and senators in favor of the opposing side. I must say, also left a great fool would procure and garbage strewn on the political institutions would be far worse than the First Republic, in which at least least penta with the support of the Socialists and holding camps were in the bottom two despite the current mayhem.

But there are only three political parties to which the proposal is not offensive: for Finian that seem to have lost all sense of shame and stick to mirrors, to Casini used to the "variables alliances" which translated means "I'm with who gives me the armchairs " and that Rutelli has now turned the semi-circle from left to right with return ticket . What will now

finiano voter, who has sided with the former leader of AN and that he believed a vote for "moderate right " (their words) while he is forced to ally with urbi et orbi Rutelli, or with the claims?

The proposal was so shameful and undignified, even the left, known lover of the commodification of politics and betrayal behind him, he refused. Rising chorus of NO high dall'IVD and PD, which despite their nature voltagabbanesca I doubt they can accept this level of squalor. Worst of the worst, in short, and the Italians know this: the new party was founded already in pieces.

The transmutation of Fini and its incredible, if I think once he embodied the best traditions of their own right and a sophisticated political overview dare to believe that the case would quickly call an exorcist: the devil or a She must jinn possession of the minds of these people. It is as if overnight, Israel is allied with Iran to destroy the United States.

At this point, then I would say that Bossi is right: it should be decided in the elections and if they are roses will bloom but finally not wrong on the balconies.

How To Sow A Churidhar Pajami

Ellipsoid of deformation and tectonic structures of Genesis

E 'in the process of writing the article on the study of pyramidal morfostruttura Vesallo. The following is a summary article for publication on the inherent - \u200b\u200bgeoblog.

The study uses methods of analysis difference with the return of data through thematic maps to describe the spatial pattern of the surface topography and the main forms of the landscape. It pairs a classic geological-structural survey with representation through stereograms Data collected in order to describe the spatial geometry of the main structures.
Summary: Through altitude detection and processing of natural micro-
Charter, the Charter
exposure of the slope, the inclination of the slope

Charter and

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Country Paint Colors For A Bathroom

So thundered that the sun was

joke happened August 4, 2010, to vote no confidence in the classroom on Caliendo. Stop the tape for now.

We push the REWIND button until a few days ago: Fini thunders on the moral question, you should not give refuge to suspects in politics, they can not enjoy a bench in parliament.

quarrel with Berlusconi, say if the thrashing, Fini s'impunta on the moral issue. According to him the same as being condemned to be investigated, given the harshness with which he rails against the PDL and its leader. Berlusconi obviously believes that the equation is wrong and reacts, and tears too s'impunta the moorings of the alliance with Fini, hunting. Fini leaves (they say he and his friends) head-up bark dall'invertebrato political centrist. Daughters do not we given the satisfaction of Berlusconi, tie, and makes him ideally the umbrella gesture. Nobody can make us give up our ideas, no one can say what is right and what is not. We think the opposite of Berlusconi and also a suspect must leave immediately, which could be guilty or innocent, we do not care.

hell broke loose, the chorus of the left that is a counterpoint. Di Pietro, also suspect him, he turned a deaf ear and incredibly thunders against the government, Fini's right, those of suspected criminals must leave. Mister short memory finishes his arrow, then sits in his chair in the classroom and not the spring anymore. Great example of consistency.

It does count, the numbers are narrow or appear not to be. Fini is the feel-good, " I will stay faithful to the mandate of the voters . I wanted to see if Fini said he wanted to give citizenship to five years in non-voting administrative workers and non-Italians as they would have thought his constituents on the eve of the vote, since he claims to remain faithful to the vow of "his "voters (who are also those of Berlusconi).

Well, Fini made it known that it will support the government from outside when there are laws that pleases . Seen tearing around the Can Can and that it came out, in line Fini is expected therefore that the votes for the motion of no confidence set all'invertebrato centrist (a Democrat who is the sermon on morality that says it all but having Peter saw a suspect who thunders against the suspects can we expect any joke).

arrive about 18.30 on August 4, 2010.

The tape is stopped by a second reading vote. Tension in the classroom, there is stricken between former allies. Purposes can not bear to spend the trust Caliendo, he goes his credibility. Oh, hell, in political ideals are ideals, not the aim is to keep the chair, Fini has been fighting for a policy clean although there is still no dirt to remove. It 'a kind of Mr. Clean in the operating room.

we hit the tape PLAY: you hear it echo the voice of the presidency.
Score: 299 against censure, 229 in favor, 75 abstentions, some fled process not to vote. The chamber rejected.

Startled I wonder: how 75 abstentions? Finian perhaps did not have to abide by all the ideals of "clean" and "political hygiene" much-ballyhooed, that even excessive transparency that caused the break with Berlusconi?

But if the permit is rejected no-confidence and believe in the right, are they not share responsibility for the foul deed? So why have spaccato il PDL se poi gli consentono di far respingere una mozione secondo loro sacrosanta?

O vuoi vedere no, non è possibile!!! Beh, oddio, ripensandoci l'idea mi sovviene: vuoi vedere che dopo che Berlusconi ha dichiarato che in caso di agguati si andrebbe tutti a casa, i 47 astenuti se la sono fatta sotto all'idea di perdere la poltrona (ed ecco spiegarsi anche le motivazioni di coloro che sono corsi al cesso)?

No non è possibile, non ci credo. Da un uomo politico LEALE e FEDELE del calibro di Fini, da uno che non ha mai rinnegato il suo passato, uno che non ha mai contraddetto il suo elettorato una cosa così bieca è da escludersi.

Però un tarlo mi rode, accidenti: the only Democrat who said he knew his business to think the worst is a sin ...
Well, yesterday I finally damned soul.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Horizon-centurion Dental Insurance

Mens Bersani in corpore insane

The question is whether the airport that Bersani on the head and severe sun August are not playing tricks on the current leader of the PD: I'm really concerned that Bersani is not an enemy but an adversary and a collapse of neuronal extending from the base Sunshine Parkinson is to be hoped no one, not even Camomillo, who yesterday came up with three other rare gems of humor.

First Camomillo spent himself in a burst of stardom by saying that those who will lead the transition government Tremonti will.

Well, a normal person would see a Camomillo Bersani that Tremonti is not part of his deployment and that would perhaps others to decide, and not him, who could possibly lead a caretaker government possible. The error in the error, though, is that this patched governicchio never take life so that Bossi and Berlusconi said that if the government went in for a return to the polls. Therefore Camomillo offers not one but two carts before the horse, a bit like Lippi did when he said he would not get anyone on the bandwagon (and just happened Lippi said he would vote for the PD), feeling and choosing a winner who already carry sul carro. Ma almeno Lippi la nazionale italiana la guidava veramente, Bersani invece è leader di un derelitto elettorato senza speranze e senza idee.

Anche il terzo errore sta nella frase estiva malandrina ed è un errore di merito molto evidente nonché decisamente più grave di quelli sopra elencati: Camomillo finora si è espresso contro Tremonti facendolo apparire una specie di ragoseo, un taccagno curvo sui denari ed affamatore di popoli, un apprendista stregone dell'economia che calpesta le vecchiette. Non importa che all'estero si ammetta che egli sia il ministro dell'economia più stimato a livello europeo e mondiale, non importano le lodi dei vari istituti finanziari per come l'Italia abbia saputo operare una politica di penalty despite the dramatic nature of the crisis. Camomillo always comes out against Tremonti and his finance, he considered to be slightly less than that by slave traders.

But just a massive dose of UVA and particularly the airport Camomillo cooks. With a
megavirata proponents Camomillo the pro tempore presidency of the council ?
Hear hear: the horrid Tremonti.

But there's more: after a while, apparently after having refreshed the airport under a shower, he says Camomillo name has never done. And, adding to the first turn 180 degrees to a second 180 ° turn of others come around the corner of 360 ° (or 2Pigreco you do) a kind of Ivan the Fool as the Russian submarines that are running to see if they are followed by Western ships.

But if Ivan is crazy to the Italian people do not care that much.
The problem is if Matt is not one of our fellow countryman Ivan but the opposition.