Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Street Legal Dune Buggy In Oklahoma

Ulysses is ruined. Enea as well.

The Greek situation is getting heavier.

I've always said, this Europe is a real bad. A Europe that imposes constraints and snares, which paralyzes the economies and asks the blood to its citizens because they enable their countries to remain within parameters unnecessarily rigid bearded elders in Brussels to determine how insurmountable that even in times of crisis.

The price for these short-sighted and stupid Europe we paid for our civilized and advanced countries, or rather, their lower classes.

There are exceptions: some countries have entered into hastily to our forum of stupid, and just as happily accepted by the EU's long-standing partners, they did so with a coup, the Calciopoli to understand each other.

E 'the incredible happened: Europe has passively accepted the audit of accounts of the various member countries and that there was no control by chichessia. Translated in simple terms, Europe at the time of its establishment has opened the door to serious deficits in countries such as Greece, Portugal and Ireland without any inspection Community, unbelievable, was not expected because it was thought that one or more countries could drugging their budgets.

So Greece, autocertificatasi beautifully under the 3% deficit / GDP ratio has been discovered but cracked 12% (say, four times the Gentlemen) and leaning on the edge. For a while Greece is the country managed to keep up appearances, then miserably collapsed.
And now the idiots in Brussels that they had "provided " such cases are forcing us to pay fine billion to stem speculative attacks (already started) against our currency. Great great move, eagles!

The situation is so complex, but unfortunately the way required: we must dip into their wallets, to the diktat of the European facciaccia on the containment of public spending. Facciaccia to add, all the sacrifices we have made in order to enter Europe with a clean and acceptable deficit. Europe's strategy is incredible: he asks us to sacrifice and turn the other way when some countries cheat shamelessly. On the other

part, unfortunately, there is no way out: let us fail to Greece would be a disaster worse than the recent crisis, as many banks (forward-looking, no doubt ...) have exposure towards our giddy "partner" overlooking the Aegean. On the other hand, the aid to Greece will become a further toll on the citizens of other nations.

But that's not all just came into Europe, many nations of Eastern Europe, others will come soon and some unfortunate people also propose the entry of Turkey. Before opening his arms as the balls, we should also have a look at those statements, if you will ...

The beauty is that then there are those who dare to complain and wonder if in some countries, referendums rejected EU membership in mass ...

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swagger lost the bal

policy in Italy sometimes seems more a sort of Grand Guignol that an actual conflict between different ideas.

In some cases, blood flows in rivers, cropping heads, become stakeholders in slices but then you discover that is convenient and cadrega who realizes he's losing his head down again on the straight track, as if what is not was nothing but a play.

We saw all the battle of italiavisione Fini and Berlusconi challenged the audience pointing the finger at. Never mind the implications involved and the choices of field to which each of us can join or not. Fini is a fact that seems willing to tear the Knight, to destroy it in a flash.

Then the painful reality. Gianfranco Nell'auditoruim nobody applauded while the Knight recorded an ovation, while millions of voters angry email with Fini came to the newspaper, the party, to the agencies. On Facebook was a frenzied attack.
E 'news today that Gianfranco continues to lose pieces. By now there are only a handful of people loyal to him, as the newspaper article today.

But a coup that failed in its intent at least should be shot or put in jail. Translated, for the purpose should be exiled from the party. Instead
Fini down the ridge and harping on what we really like the rest of the party, which does not go to elections and that they must make reforms. I will not oppose, provides. Dear Berlusca, let a lid on it. But Berlusconi

adds: divorce for just one person. Yeah, you're out in the first vileness.

I thought at least the courage to fight her battle until the end despite Fini had foregone conclusion. Instead known that not only lost his coup within the party.
today has lost all political credibility.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Sick To Stomach Sinus

Fora The

" Spiaciente, your time has expired. Fora by bal. "

So it should say Berlusconi after the shameful spectacle staged yesterday by Fini.

Fini is destroying the difficult construction of a united and cohesive center, an area of \u200b\u200bpolicy that finally wants to give the reforms that Italy needs being in effect mandatory.

The former leader of AN that is has become the best pick of the left, a kind of cancer within the party. He is incapable of succeeding in that band claims have never managed to be successful: divide by Bossi Berlusconi.

Bossi ha ragione ad arrabbiarsi: ogni santo giorno si sentono strali provenire da quella esigua minoranza del PDL a cui la Lega sta come il diavolo all'acquasanta. Ne abbiamo sentite di tutti i colori: ignoranti, gretti, villici, rozzi, come se il dire la verità e le cose come stanno fosse un peccato. Come se le lotte per ribaltare il paese per consegnarlo nelle mani degli italiani e non dei beduini fossero condotte da straccioni subculturati. L'odio dei finiani nei confronti della Lega è arrivato al punto tale da superare quello della sinistra, che almeno si sa essere il nostro avversario e quindi schierato in un preciso contesto.

E' ora di prendere una decisione non più rinviabile, perché un cadavere in casa puzza dopo due giorni. E siccome Berlusconi può molte cose ma non può essere Gesù Cristo, ogni tentativo di resuscitare Lazzaro sarebbe non solo inutile ma pure nefasto.

Fòra dal bàl.
Ce lo aspettiamo tutti.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Linear Expansion Bimetallic Strip Iron Aluminum

we have only the chewing gum

Una volta ritenevo Fini un politico intelligente, raffinato e fedele. Ritenevo che Fini fosse talvolta meglio di Berlusconi ed effettivamente lo era. Una volta, appunto.

Oggi mi accorgo che di intelligenza in ciò che afferma non se ne trova più alcuna traccia, come lo stronzio nell'acqua minerale: miseramante disciolto e difficilmente individuabile.

Fini ha tradito gli ideali della destra ed ha perfettamente ragione Berlusconi when he says that the role of NA has been taken by the League: in fact, given the success of the League, the Bolognese should consider whether its policies were not in lieu of Berlusconi to ensure that Bossi's party to catalyze self- a majority of votes of the PDL.

I myself in the last election I voted regional league. To give a strong signal to the PDL, to get rid of all those politicians "correct" that haunt the party. And I will continue to vote until some similsinistri League will not be thrown out or at least shrunk dramatically.
is not a matter of little democracy: voting is a right-wing party if I expect her to do a right-wing politics, compact and inclusive verso i ceti più deboli ma anche attento all'industria ed all'economia, contrastante l'immigrazione di popolazioni che impongono la loro subcultura e che credono di venire in casa nostra ad urlare le loro pretese. Se così non fosse, in nome della " democrazia " prenderemmo dentro anche Diliberto, per poi fare a botte tutti i giorni.

Ebbene, oggi è caduta l'ultima virtù che credevo propria del Presidente della Camera: la finezza.

Lo abbiamo visto tutti, seduto sulla sua poltrona ad ascoltare il discorso di Berlusconi con la cicca in bocca, ruminandola come se fosse allo stadio, come se fosse un noglobal qualunque. Ci mancava che gli facesse i palloni in faccia.

D'altra parte solo quelle gli sono rimaste:per chi non vale una cicca una bella scorta rappresenta un fantastico regalo.



Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Zebra Print Monogramed Napkins

Diversity is not a value

Per i politici è consumata abitudine, quando litigano all'interno delle loro coalizioni, pronunciare la scontatissima frase " il nostro partito (o schieramento) è democratico ".

Ancor peggio, sento spesso azzardare la frase " la diversità nel nostro party is a wealth .

This stupid and vacuous way of presenting things should, in the theoretical intentions of politicians, to convince the voter of the right or left to do in coalitions chair is beautiful and that is a kind of surplus value .

With the same concept, then, we might say that some children are lucky to live in families where the mother and father s'azzuffano every single day, because this is a symptom of democracy: the wife can tell her husband to democratically " six a pig "and husband to his wife" ugly bitch. "Then, when one of them takes a gun and fires a shot in the brain to another democracy is at its blaze.
Following the common thread of the example above, we could say it's good to see players who wish to butcher in the field because each of them democratically by the moron to another, that their supporters should be lynched as well jennies democratically express their dissent and so on for all the world's conflicts, including wars and revolutions.

Even Osama Bin Laden and Ahmadinejad, poor things, their right hano good 5 minute rant to express their dissent and staff toasted the istaeliani with atomic energy. So when I hear

Fini and Berlusconi and their colonels argue that " throw water on the fire" by saying that killing is normal internal dialogue I have to admit that suddenly became very fond of democracy. Indeed, what a little movement in the sphere of the PDL seems the same reasoning goes to the left, where the syrup is free for all people as a beautiful and constructive dialectic.

Well, it seems that getting along is demodeé and vitality is a symptom of the shooting trip, we hope that someone in the PDL see sense of this nonsense and realizing that finally takes courage to admit the war at home and especially send out Fini started with a good kick up the backside.